Tantric massages for women, men and couples
My name is Mika and I have been performing tantra professionally for more than 14 years. I would like to share with you my very sensual and magic art of the tantra massage that I have found on my way! That is my tantric conscious touch! The touch is the absolutely primary and the most mysterious way of the human communication. A single touch can tell us who we are and how we feel. A single touch has a power to utter one thousand words without your saying any one and is able to heal wounds that are deeply in our hearts and souls. I would like to invite you to our studio in order to enable you to get a deep relaxation and to let you take without having to give anything back.
Our appointment gets started with an introduction consultation during which I will introduce you to the way I work and we will set up together a concept of the massage respecting your current needs. Then I will explain you how and what I will do before and after the massage so that you can feel safe in my hands for the whole time we are going to spend together. My touches can show you endless chances, open for you a new door in yourself and help you discover your own quells and paths to relaxation, joy, pleasure, inner freedom and  unconditional acceptance of yourself and of the others around us. We can even cooperate regarding intimate barriers such as a toxic shyness and difficulties with acceptance of your body and your sexuality, relation themes, deep traumas or I will show you techniques that will help you improve your intimate life and reach higher levels of pleasure, inner fulfilment and ecstasy.
The very substance of this kind of work that I do is: When we learn how to respect each other by means of our bodies, the love we can create does not have boundaries.
Therapeutic work with the body according to Wilhelma Reicha
Relaxing massage with lava stones and aromatherapy
Professional prostate and pelvis massage
Ritual of 5 senses
Reiky I,II
Quodoushka I. Shamanic way of sacred sensuality
Sound healing and the work with energy – Karl Gruning
Biodynamic massage – Květa Palusková
Tao of conscious touch - Jayanda
What I am offering:
Traditional tantra ritual (at least for 1,5 – 3 hours) from India
Ritual 5 senses (just a 3-hours massage)
Great pull and a whole body orgasm
Breathing techniques
Therapy of the premature ejaculation, the primary and sexual trauma
Therapy for couples
Massage for women and men
Tuitions of art of massage and of conscious touch
The massage is exclusively for your benefit here.
Owing to the sort of the massage that I give and to its intensity in order to create for you and really give you the best possible enjoyment I will accept orders for at least 1,5 – 3 hours ONLY which will give me the space to transfer that what you fully deserve.

That will enable me to give you the enjoyment that – I promise – you will never forget and what is the most important to take away something that you cannot buy or find anywhere else and what will grow and bloom in your intimate life.

I am looking forward to see you soon
With love
Mika xx




„In our studio you´ll forget the world around you.“